The place to buy your classic motorcycle Brembo and Dellorto parts on line


There is no tax to add to my prices for UK customers but overseas orders will be subject to your local import duties.


If there you dont see parts you have ordered in the past they may still be availbe to order, takes about 10 days , please ask or see here

PHM  Dellorto

Short or long cable adjuster boots for throttle and choke inlets on PHF/PHM/VHB carbs £1.00 each

Dellorto PHM Choke parts

Dellorto PHM accelerator pump parts

Dellorto PHM parts

Complete cable choke assembly to replace flip top chokes. £15.75 each

Choke pick up jet PHF available in sizes
7746- 40/45/50/55/60/65/70/80/85/90


Tickler button and c clip £4.75

Choke housing gasket for PHM  £0.60

Tickler button spring 0.80p

Double inlet alloy fuel banjo


Single inlet alloy fuel banjo


Fuel inlet banjo filter £2.95 each

Bolt for holding fuel banjo £1.10

Fibre washer for fuel banjo bolt £0.80

Main jet holders in 2 sizes  Long for deep 14mm spanner float bowl nuts. Short for 17mm and 21mm spanner float bowl  nuts
Short 8885 £6.95
Long 8552 £6.95

PHM Emulsion tubes available in sizes 
  £11.50 New larger range

Comprehensive list of Needles here

Comprehensive list of jets here

short cable adjuster 12mm of thread £2.85

PHM Gasket set. Contains all gaskets, fibre washers and rubber seal needed to rebuild one carb. £16.50

Long Cable adjuster 16mm of thread £4.85

Cable adjuster nut 50p

PHM Air screw short tip (2.5mm) £4.80
Part No. 7449, Total Length 33mm, Tip Length 2.5mm ,Parallel shaft length 17.4mm

PHM Air screw long tip motoguzzi type  (5mm) £4.80
PartNo. 11084
Total Length 29mm, Tip Length 4.9mm ,Parallel shaft length 13.8mm

PHM Air screw short tip 7449 kit (2.5mm) . £7.35
Part No. 7449, Total Length 33mm, Tip Length 2.5mm ,Parallel shaft length 17.4mm

PHM tick over screw, slide height stop. Kit £7.35

PHM airscrew kit Part No. 9908 £7.35
Total length 36mm  Length of tapered tip 5mm.  Length of parallel shaft 12mm

These cable angle fittings for carb tops will fit PHF and others. They are available in 50 70 90 degree angles. £5.40

Plastic knob that pushes on to the round knurled ( not the hexagonal) tick over screw to aid adjustment £3.00 each (knob only)

Throttle slide spring 1.4KG Medium £5.95 each

Throttle slide spring 1.77KG Heavy £5.95 each

Throttle slide spring 0.7 KG Light £5.95 each

Dellorto’s replacement for the half round manifold clamp nut £1.10 each

Carb clamp rings for PHM carbs. £18.00 

Genuine PHM carb inlet clamp bolt, these are now Crosshead supplied by Dellorto £2.35

Float bowl nut 14mm spanner size used on most PHF/M carbs £16.25

Float bowl nut 21mm spanner size used on later PHF/M carbs £16.25 each

Float bowl nut 17mm spanner size used on later PHF/M carbs  £16.25 each
This uses the saame fibre washer as the 14mm spanner size nut above.  

Original Black 10g floats. These are good used condition as no longer available from Dellorto.  £19.50 each Please ask

PHM white floats . I no longer stock these as they will sink after time and flood the engine

PHF/PHM float valves available in  sizes 200/250/300 (300 is stock for PHM ) my price  £18.50 each

Slide lift cables, cable length between nipples 66mm. Overall length 73mm

£5.70 each  use on Some LeMans

Carb top bolts M5 £1.10

PHF Plastic carb tops.£5.00 each. Please state which you requirte as PHF and PHM are different sizes  £7.50 each

flip top choke to replace cable choke on PHM £19.00

Chokehousing screw (3 required)  £0.60 each

Choke housing for PHM  £19.00

Stainless steel screw to hold slide lift arm to rod and to hold dome top on, comes with Stainless lock washer £0.65p

Quality CNC machined alloy carb tops for PHM,  with Dellorto logo as per the black plastick version  £32.50 each

External linkage rod and spring for PHM ( LeMans)  £12.00

Cable lift arm  £11.95

PHM andPHF side pulls for Guzzi

PHF 36 LM1 and 2 also PHM 40's on LM 1 and 2   £36.00 

11782 PHM Side pull lever –

Moto Guzzi Moto Guzzi LM 4 / 1000 `83-`94 , BJ 1983 - 1994 £36.00

11785 PHM Side pull lever –

Moto Guzzi  Moto Guzzi LM 4 / 1000 `83-`94 , BJ 1983 - 1994  £36.00

PHM andPHF side pulls for Guzzi

PHF 36 LM1 and 2 also PHM 40's on LM 1 and 2 £36.00

8948 Dellorto External return spring  £4.95

8949 Dellorto External return spring  £4.95

Pump housing bare casting £24.00 each new. £15.00 each good used

Diaphragm pump housing screw and washer in stainless £0.70p each 3 needed

Pump top casting non return valve £16.00 each (Sorry even that's cheaper than Dellortos price)

Pump Nozzel holder seal washer £0.80

Pump adjuster stop and nut With o-ring £4.95 

Accelerator pump diaphragm  Dellorto price £21.76 
My Price £19.50  

Accelerator pump diaphragm pump spring £1.55 each

Pump diaphragm gasket £3.45

Accelerator pump nozzle holder 7470 £8.25

Accelerator pump nozzles for PHF available in sizes

Accelerator pump pick up jet/valve for PHF/PHM
Part No.8557

Accelerator pump Arm for PHF 38/40/41 £4.80
Accelerator pump pin with spline for PHF Metal tops £2.30
Accelerator pump pin without spline for PHF plastic tops £2.30
Accelerator pump arm spring for PHF £0.80

Float bowl nut washer for 21mm spanner size nuts £0.85 each

Float bowl nut washer,14mm and 17mm spanner size nuts.  £0.85 each

Float bowl O-Ring £2.35